Thursday, July 20, 2017

Homemade Body Scrub

In an attempt to beautify myself. Yes I know, its no easy task for this go with the flow, heads in the cloud kinda girl but maybe, it's worth a try. Anyway. I decided to try to make my own body scrub.

I used Coconut Oil, Sugar and loose leaf Lavender Green tea. I tried the base of just the coconut oil and sugar. It worked well, its a little oily, heh, go figure. but it left my skin feeling smooth. I noticed after two days of using the base model, my skin was a lot less dry and felt smoother and healthier.

I'm also going to attempt to make home made bath bombs. A while ago I did the make lipstick from crayons. It works, and you can get some cool colors. However don't wear it if your going on a hot date because your dude will think he's kissing his elementary school crayon box. Great for costume parties, or fun that doesn't involve sexy time.

Coconut oil sugar scrub. 3.5 out of 5 stars. Pros: Makes skin feel smooth, silky and combats dryness. Cons, a little oily for use before a date, if using on bottoms of feet be careful with your footing as it gets slippery and I know I don't want to die naked in a bathtub while covered in sugar and coconut oil.

Lets see how the lavender green tea works. Other ideas, to add: Vanilla, Mint, Lemon


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